Wednesday, December 16, 2015
Monday, December 14, 2015
"Always do right"
This quote means that no matter what you're going through you always have to choose the right. Doesn't matter if you stand alone. It's going to satisfy you. For example, if your in a group and they start bulling someone younger you can step away. You can also try to help the other person by taking him/ her with you or telling them to stop. Doing what's right gets you in good places. Don't hang out with people that do you no good. If you don't choose the right it gets you in bad places. You can lose your freedom because of that. So yeah always do what's best.
This quote means that no matter what you're going through you always have to choose the right. Doesn't matter if you stand alone. It's going to satisfy you. For example, if your in a group and they start bulling someone younger you can step away. You can also try to help the other person by taking him/ her with you or telling them to stop. Doing what's right gets you in good places. Don't hang out with people that do you no good. If you don't choose the right it gets you in bad places. You can lose your freedom because of that. So yeah always do what's best.

Tuesday, December 8, 2015
" If we do what's right, we have no need to fear."
This quote means that if you do something that's good you won't be scared of anything. When people are doing wrong they always fear getting caught or whatever it is. For example, if your parents don't let you have a boyfriend but you still have one and your guna go out with him you'll be scared all the time. You'd be looking everywhere. Also, you wouldn't feel good about yourself. You lied to your parents. Another example is, if you need to do a group project and you do your part you don't have to fear about anything because you did what you were supposed to do. Everything can turn out the way you want if you do what's right.
Wednesday, December 2, 2015
Paris, France
Paris, Frances capital, is a major European and a global center for art, fashion, gastronomy, and culture. It is a really beautiful place to go to. Also, it has many places where you can go to. For example, you can go see the Eiffel Tower. The Eiffel tower has 3 floors and it's height is 984'. It was named after Gustave Eiffel whose company designed and built the tower. There are different restaurants where you can go on a date or whatever the occasion might be. It is a really interesting place to travel to. Another place you can visit is The catacombs of Paris. It's an underground burial complex houses six million skeletons dating to the 18th century. They are stacked in endless corridors. It's a haunting place to visit. So yeah, this is why i would enjoy going to Paris,France.
Monday, November 30, 2015
" Kindness is the essence of greatness."
This quote means that being a nice person means everything. You'll feel good about yourself. For example, if someone is being bullied at school and you tell an adult about it, it can help the person out. They might stop punking on him. Your guna feel great seeing that you helped someone out. Every time you do something kind you become a better person. People can even look up to you. Your going to be a role model for them. So if you do something good you"ll feel good. If your not a good person bad things can come your way.
This quote means that being a nice person means everything. You'll feel good about yourself. For example, if someone is being bullied at school and you tell an adult about it, it can help the person out. They might stop punking on him. Your guna feel great seeing that you helped someone out. Every time you do something kind you become a better person. People can even look up to you. Your going to be a role model for them. So if you do something good you"ll feel good. If your not a good person bad things can come your way.
Thanksgiving Week
During my thanksgiving break I went out a lot with my friends. We went to different places to eat. Also, i played games with my brother. I had to help him with some homework. It was so boring. On thanksgiving day my family gathered at my aunts house. They had loud music on and lots of food. It wasn't really fun. I just stayed inside the house using my phone and talking to my cousins about makeup. It was 10:00 PM and me and some cousins went to lakewood mall. There was a lot of people and it was getting crazy. I was holding onto my cousin because i didn't want to get lost. It was fun i got a lot of clothes.

During my thanksgiving break I went out a lot with my friends. We went to different places to eat. Also, i played games with my brother. I had to help him with some homework. It was so boring. On thanksgiving day my family gathered at my aunts house. They had loud music on and lots of food. It wasn't really fun. I just stayed inside the house using my phone and talking to my cousins about makeup. It was 10:00 PM and me and some cousins went to lakewood mall. There was a lot of people and it was getting crazy. I was holding onto my cousin because i didn't want to get lost. It was fun i got a lot of clothes.

Thursday, November 19, 2015
"If it is not right, do not do it; if it is not true, do not say it."
This quote means that if you know something is not right you don't have to do it just go away. Also, if what your guna say isn't true just keep it to yourself and don't hurt others. For example, if you dislike a person because they always bully you don't go around telling lies and spreading rumors. That's not right. Another example is if your friends wants to go rob a store don't go along with them. There's going to eventually be consequences for that. You have to do what's honest. Focus on something that's worth it not on something that's going to affect you.
This quote means that if you know something is not right you don't have to do it just go away. Also, if what your guna say isn't true just keep it to yourself and don't hurt others. For example, if you dislike a person because they always bully you don't go around telling lies and spreading rumors. That's not right. Another example is if your friends wants to go rob a store don't go along with them. There's going to eventually be consequences for that. You have to do what's honest. Focus on something that's worth it not on something that's going to affect you.
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
" Doing what is right, fair, and honorable is more important than winning or losing."
- Chick Moorman
This quote means that winning isn't the only thing to achieve in life. Don't listen to what other people tell you. For example, if you cheat on a test and get a perfect score you're just losing. Cheating is not something that's fair. Therefor wining is never more important. Your not guna be able to be proud of yourself because it wasn't you the one trying in that test. Another example is, if you playing a game and you lose just accept it. Don't go crying or trying to cheat because that's not right. It's just a game. If you do what's right you'll feel right.
- Chick Moorman
This quote means that winning isn't the only thing to achieve in life. Don't listen to what other people tell you. For example, if you cheat on a test and get a perfect score you're just losing. Cheating is not something that's fair. Therefor wining is never more important. Your not guna be able to be proud of yourself because it wasn't you the one trying in that test. Another example is, if you playing a game and you lose just accept it. Don't go crying or trying to cheat because that's not right. It's just a game. If you do what's right you'll feel right.
Friday, November 6, 2015
He that walketh with wise men shall be wise: but a companion of fools should be destroyed.
This quote means that if you do something good and have positive influences around you you'll get something good in return but if you do something bad and hang out with the wrong people it can get to you. For example, if you go to school everyday you'll be able to graduate. other people who skip school to go drug deal and stuff have a larger chance of going to prison and not achieving goals. Also, if good people are around you all the time you'll achieve anything you put your mind to. Another example is, if your friends influence you to drink at parties their not good people. That always leads to a bad consequence. If they take you to go study at the library that's the right way to be successful.

This quote means that if you do something good and have positive influences around you you'll get something good in return but if you do something bad and hang out with the wrong people it can get to you. For example, if you go to school everyday you'll be able to graduate. other people who skip school to go drug deal and stuff have a larger chance of going to prison and not achieving goals. Also, if good people are around you all the time you'll achieve anything you put your mind to. Another example is, if your friends influence you to drink at parties their not good people. That always leads to a bad consequence. If they take you to go study at the library that's the right way to be successful.
Wednesday, November 4, 2015
"The best recreation is to do good."
This quote means that the best thing to do is to do something positive with yourself. For example, if your doing good in school, getting good grades, and doing homework everyday you'll be proud of yourself. You're going to want to keep doing that. Making everyone else around you feel happy because you recreated something good. Make the world a better place and don't be so negative about it. Another example is, helping a person that needs you. If a old lady gets out of the market and she's carrying a lot of bags and you see she can barely carry them out you go help her. It's something she'll appreciate and something that'll make you realize it's a really nice gesture to do. So go out there and be positive about everything you do.
This quote means that the best thing to do is to do something positive with yourself. For example, if your doing good in school, getting good grades, and doing homework everyday you'll be proud of yourself. You're going to want to keep doing that. Making everyone else around you feel happy because you recreated something good. Make the world a better place and don't be so negative about it. Another example is, helping a person that needs you. If a old lady gets out of the market and she's carrying a lot of bags and you see she can barely carry them out you go help her. It's something she'll appreciate and something that'll make you realize it's a really nice gesture to do. So go out there and be positive about everything you do.

Monday, November 2, 2015
"Right is right, even if everyone is against it; and wrong is wrong, even if everyone is for it."
This quote means that no matter if you stand alone you always have to choose the right. For example, if 20 students plan on robbing their teachers laptop it's not good for you to go along with it because your scared they'll not want you to be part of them. Instead you can back away and let them choose the wrong and see their consequences later. You should stand up for the right thing. Another example is if 10 kids decide not to wear uniform and their all up for it you know the best is to wear the uniform and let them be. If your in with them you'll get in trouble like the rest of them.
Health Educator
Duties and responsibilities: A health educator helps people find the appropriate health services or information. Also, they collect data and other information to analyze needs and evaluate programs.
Salary: Health Educator earns $41,830.
Education: They need a bachelors degree or higher in health education, public health education or health promotion.
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
"Don't sacrifice what you want most for what you want now. Write down what You want most and see it often."
-Peter Vidmar
This quote means that it's important for you to stand for something good and not for something that's not going to make you successful in life. Sometimes the things you wanted for a little are better than what you wanted the most. For example, if you've been wanting to be a doctor but started thinking about being a teacher and it's more closer for you to achieve it your not guna wait and not take the opportunity. If you wait your chance will probably get ruined and you won't have anything to do.
Healthcare Administrator
Duties and responsibilities: Health administrators coordinate the activities of medical organizations ranging from doctors offices to hospital departments to health care corporations.
Salary: $64,821 per year
Education: A bachelors degree for four years is the typical entry level preparation needed for care administration jobs.
Reflection: I would like to be a healthcare administrator because it seems interesting.
Friday, October 23, 2015
"A good name is rather to be chosen then great riches."
What this quote means is that being a good person where everyone can look up to you is better than all the money you can possibly get. We don't have to be rich to get happiness. For example, if someone has a lot of money and prefers that over their family later they'll regret it because family is more important than money. Also, money isn't always going to be there for you like people who care about you. It just comes and goes.People do many bad things cause of money.
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
" A good name is better than anything you can achieve in life."
I think this quote means that if people know you by someone good you'll be able to go far in life. People who make bad choices never succeed in life and people don't respect them because of how they are. If people think negative of you they're going to be thinking that your not guna be nothing.
Monday, October 19, 2015
"If your so-called friends urge you to do anything you know to be wrong, you be the one to make a stand for right, even if you stand alone. Have the moral courage to be a light for others to follow."
-Thomas S. Monson
This quote means that people can be doing wrong things and want you to be with them but you have to be the one person to do the right thing. For example, if your friends are going to the store and their planning to rob something don't be part of that stay home or something. It doesn't matter if they get mad at you, the best feeling is when you know you didn't do wrong. They may laugh at you because your standing alone but you'll be a light to them. Also, you can feel good about yourself. Those who chose to do it are probably going to regret it later.Why would you listen to someone that your not guna know later in life and thats going to be fake to do something bad. You don't have to be "cool" or fit in with others when it's going to turn you into someone you're not.
-Thomas S. Monson
This quote means that people can be doing wrong things and want you to be with them but you have to be the one person to do the right thing. For example, if your friends are going to the store and their planning to rob something don't be part of that stay home or something. It doesn't matter if they get mad at you, the best feeling is when you know you didn't do wrong. They may laugh at you because your standing alone but you'll be a light to them. Also, you can feel good about yourself. Those who chose to do it are probably going to regret it later.Why would you listen to someone that your not guna know later in life and thats going to be fake to do something bad. You don't have to be "cool" or fit in with others when it's going to turn you into someone you're not.
Thursday, October 15, 2015
*A CTR champion is a person who makes a great human out of himself."
- Noemi Trigueros
This quote means that if your a great person with a nice personality and everything you are a CTR champion. For example, if you have manners it'll make you have what you want later in life.
- Noemi Trigueros
This quote means that if your a great person with a nice personality and everything you are a CTR champion. For example, if you have manners it'll make you have what you want later in life.
Tuesday, October 13, 2015
"Success is not an accident. Success is actually a choice. Are the habits you have today on par with the dreams you have of tomorrow?"
-Alan Stein
I think this quote means that if you want to achieve something it's up to you. For example, if you want to be a doctor your mom isn't guna go and do it for you. You have to achieve your dreams yourself.
-Alan Stein
I think this quote means that if you want to achieve something it's up to you. For example, if you want to be a doctor your mom isn't guna go and do it for you. You have to achieve your dreams yourself.
Friday, October 9, 2015
"When obedience becomes our goal, it is no longer an irritation; instead of a stumbling block,it becomes a building block"
This quote means that when your trying to achieve a goal of obeying you don't want to fall back down you want to keep trying to make it. For example, if your trying to obey the law don't go and do something that's not right.
This quote means that when your trying to achieve a goal of obeying you don't want to fall back down you want to keep trying to make it. For example, if your trying to obey the law don't go and do something that's not right.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015
"Choosing the right is always the right thing to do."
-Alex Linares
If you do right things you'll feel good. For example, if you help your younger brother or sister do hw you'll feel good.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologists offer consultation, diagnosis, and treatment to patients who are interested in improving their skin condition.
Salary: $202,468
Education: They need a doctor of medicine or osteopathy degree, plus four years of clinical training and a residency.
Reflection: I wouldn't wanna be a dermatologist because it doesn't seem interesting.
Duties and Responsibilities: Dermatologists offer consultation, diagnosis, and treatment to patients who are interested in improving their skin condition.
Salary: $202,468
Education: They need a doctor of medicine or osteopathy degree, plus four years of clinical training and a residency.
Reflection: I wouldn't wanna be a dermatologist because it doesn't seem interesting.
Monday, October 5, 2015
Fashion Model
Duties and responsibilities: Enhance clothing line beauty and perform to designers directions.
Salary: $79,000
Education: It doesn't require any type of degree.

I would wanna be a fashion model because it seems interesting.
Thursday, October 1, 2015
Dental Assistant
Duties and Responsibilities: A dental assistant seats patients in the treatment area. They also pass instruments to the dentist while in the procedure.
Salary: Their median pay is 34,500.
Education: They need to have a Postsecondary non-degree award.
Reflection: I wouldn't want to be a Dental Assistant because it seems boring.
Tuesday, September 22, 2015
"When I do good, I feel good. When I do bad, I feel bad." Abraham Lincoln
This quote means that when you do something positive you'll feel good about yourself and keep wanting to do it again. When you do something negative you'll regret it and feel bad. For example, if you help someone that doesn't have a home you'll know you made the right decision and would feel kindhearted. If you push someone down the stairs you'll feel terrible.Friday, September 18, 2015
The key to freedom is obedience.The more obedient you are, the more freedom we have"
If your obedient you'll get more than those who disobey. For example, if the teacher says to not use your phone be obedient and don't use it during class. If you disobey they'll take away your phone and you wont have things like the others who obeyed.
Wednesday, September 16, 2015
"Obedience is the great test of life"
Obedience is to follow orders. By obeying your choosing the right path. If you disobey your leading yourself into bad decisions and consequences.
Friday, September 11, 2015
9/11 Terrorist Disaster
I feel very emotional about this because many innocent people died. Also, children were left without their parents and it's so sad.
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
"Education is the latch key to success in life."
This quote means that in order to be successful you have to study and work hard in school. Also, it's going to be hard at times but you have to keep trying to accomplish your goal. For example, if you ditch school or drop out your not going to be successful like the others who go to school everyday and do what their suppose to do to be someone in life
Thursday, September 3, 2015
Student success statements
"Decisions Determine Destiny"
This quote means that the decisions you make can come to you in the future. They can either affect you or make you do something right. Also, you have to "choose the right".For example, if someone is drinking to much and later on in the future they want a good job they can't get it because of the decisions they have made. If a person always goes to school and studies hard they can have a good job and earn a lot of money.
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